Whiteboard animation
Whiteboard animations became very popular in academia some years ago and, since we have great illustration skills in-house, we came up with our own method of creating these engaging and often highly complex pieces of animation.
With the whiteboard technique you’ll often see the artist’s hand actually drawing the artwork, however, our way is to draw the artwork by hand on a digital tablet straight into the animation software; it gives a result that we think is cleaner and it makes for a more versatile film where we can do much more with the artwork and get a better outcome. It’s also a lot easier for us to edit if clients wish to make alterations, which is extremely important for keeping costs down.

This was perfect for out great client South West Water, when they asked us to create their graphics for a recent event being roled out across the region, at public and board level. We created something very relateable out of a dry, technical subject, using whiteboard hand-drawn animation.
Whiteboard Animation for University of Exeter
We were approached by the University of Exeter to create a whiteboard animation for a student-led initiative. We worked with their creative team to come up with lots of fun ideas, presented in a way which was suited to an undergraduate audience.